Monday 27 December 2010

Towards A History Of The Telangana Movement

Posted by Arun Media in Telangana history.

 A dying feudalism is only a part of the problem. After all, feudalism has been a national problem. But in Telangana, it received hammer blows at the hands of the Socialist and Communist struggles of the forties. It received a fillip at the hands of Andhra rulers in the fifties and sixties who pushed the Hyderabad Tenancy Act under the carpet. But now it is on its last legs slowly getting converted into elitist professions and an incipient capitalism. Caste too is a part of the problem, though the Arya Samaj Movement of the thirties and forties tried to resolve it in its own manner. The weakness of the movement was that it was largely an urban movement, failing to effectively penetrate the countryside. Communalism too is a part of the problem, albeit a small part, being basically an urban phenomenon bound up with history and race memory. The basic problem of the Deccan, of which Telangana is a part, was and is total denial of participation to local people in the affairs of the state. It was not always so. Tribal kingdoms and the Kakatiyas Empire were, to the extent possible then, participatory systems, based on the concept of the welfare of people.
The attack on the participatory system came during Bahmani rule which was basically a military and imperial system. Such a system which depended on foreign mercenaries for its survival had to be exploitative, cruel and anti-local. It depended on foreign recruits even though local soldiers were available. It had to because its aim was not the welfare of people but a luxurious style of life for the foreign ruling class. Locals, both Muslims and Hindus, revolted against this, resulting first in the massacre of foreigners, Iranians and Turks, followed by decimation of local soldiers and subjugation of the countryside. The valiant Yadava queen of Golkonda fought against the Bahamanis with a small force against overwhelming odds and died a martyr. The revolt of the locals in Bidar and the Golkonda battle can be described as the first stirrings for self-rule in the Deccan. Most Qutub Shahis, on the other hand, tried to reconcile their political interests with the well-being of people. The use of the Telangana language as a vehicle both in cultural and administrative matters brought about a sense of participation in the local population. The martyrdom of Akkanna and Madanna at the hands of traitors, the resistance of Abdul Razzak Laari and the arrest and detention of Abul Hasan Tanasha, the last Qutub Shahi king, by Aurangazeb, reversed the process. The system relapsed into imperialism and the militant mentality and people into sullen silence.
The Asafjahis were aliens and their support base was mainly the north Indian gentry. They brought thousands of north-Indians to man the administration. Though Mahbub Ali Pasha, the Sixth Nizam, was a folk king, the process continued till it was challenged during the reign of the Seventh Nizam, by local Muslims who launched what is described as the Mulki (local) movement. The movement was successful and the Nizam created Mulki rules to protect local interests. During the same period Gonds of Adilabad revolted against oppressive rule. The Nizam invited Hammendorf, a reputed German anthropologist, to report on the state of affairs in tribal areas and suggest reforms. His proposals were accepted and martyrdom of Bhim did not go in vain.
Though it was laudatory that Urdu, an Indian language, was used as the language of administration and education, other language like Telugu, Marathi and Kannada also should have been used. It did not happen. The Arya Samajis too taught Hindi in their night schools, avoiding local languages. Local people, both Hindus and Muslims, were ridiculed for not knowing proper Urdu which of course meant Urdu of Lucknow and Delhi and not the Dakhani language. The Dakhani language, a beautiful product of interaction between Iranian settlers and the people of the Deccan speaking Telugu, Marathi and Kannada was totally ignored.
Events before the police Action and after were traumatic. Five thousand socialists, communists and common people died fighting Nizam`s feudal system and the Razakars, a paramilitary organisation of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslameen. Policemen and Razakars also suffered heavy casualties. Then came the Police Action. While there was not much violence in Telangana after the Police Action, Hyderabad-Karnataka and Marathwada presented a different picture.
From 1948 to 1956 Telangana passed through several phases-Military rule, Velodis rule and the induction of a popular government after elections in 1952. with Burugul Ramakrishna Rao as Chief Minister. The Hyderabad Tenancy Act, one of the most progressive acts in the history of modern India, was passed and partly implemented. The period between 1952 to 1956 can be described as the happiest period for the people of Telangana for a long time. The Hyderabad State could have continued its happy existence but for the decision to form linguistic states. Nehru and Lohia, in fact, advocated its continuance. But, as on many occasions in the past the people of Telangana were betrayed by a section of its leadership. Ostensibly on caste grounds. Brahmins belonging to the Congress raised the bogey of Reddy rule. Thus was formed Andhra Pradesh, much against the recommendations of the Fazal Ali Commission and advice of Nehru and Lohia.
The Andhra leadership still smarting at the ill-treatment meted out to them by the Tamil ruling ruling class in the old Madras Presidency, transferred the injury to the people of Telangana. But it was not merely a collective psychological problem. What was important was the lust for power and money of the feudal classes of the Andhra area, Kammas, Reddys and Brahmins. While Brahminic influence was eliminated by kammas, Reddys their own lust for land, power and money increased. They agreed lusted for the river waters of Telangana. Kammas, for a long time had been lusting for power. Their anti-Brahminism had nothing to do with the elimination of the caste system. They only wanted to replace Brahminic rule with their own dispensation. But Reddys of Rayalaseema, in alliance with the frustrated feudal elements of Telangana, checkmated them. Thus, Telangana Reddys of Rayalaseema continued to hold on to their lands and despotic power inspite of land reforms. They subjected Telangana feudals to every type of humiliation imaginable. Yet a character from this class betrayed the great peoples` movement for Telangana of 1968-1972.
As early as 1952, people of Hyderabad had revolted against alien rule. Six students laid down their lives in the anti-non-Mulki agitation. This agitation too was betrayed as also the 1956 agitation against the merger of Telangana with the Andhra State. Such is the character of Telangana leadership. Let the people beware!
The Naxalite movement itself was a product of the betrayal of the 1968-1972 movement as also tardy implementation of land reforms by the Coastal area-Rayalaseema feudal coalition. It is absurd to say that there is no feudalism in Andhra area. It is in fact along with north Bihar, the most despotic feudal system of India. Like North Bihar, it is a totally castist system too. can anybody imagine anything like Karamchedu and Chundur happening in Telangana? While both the feudal system and the caste system in Telangana have become extremely weak, they have been strengthened in the Andhra area with the influence of film capital and misuse of Telangana resources for agricultural development. A marauding capitalism has been superimposed on a casteist and feudal society. The ill-gotten film wealth and colonial exploitation of Telangana water and power resources have created an insane society. This can be seen in the casteisation and feudalisation of the communist parties. The Congress and Telugu Desam of course are the official representatives of this insanity. An attempt is being made to paper over contradictions in the Andhra area by throwing some crumbs to other castes and turning them into a comprador class. All the contradictions of the Andhra area are sought to be resolved by involving oppressed sections into a wholesale exploitation of Telangana link what was done by the ruling classes of West Pakistan in the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Wholesale exploitation of Telangana resources for the benefit of the Andhra area is accompanied by attacks on the way of life of Telangana people. In fact, the insistence on the formation of Andhra Pradesh was itself with the intention of taking control of Telangana resources. A separate Hyderabad State or Telangana would have prevented such a take-over. But people can be totally enslaved only when their language and culture are destroyed. The Andhra burden is a continuation of the notion of white man’s burden. Those humiliated by the British and the Tamil ruling class have not learnt any lessons. They imagine that they can lord it over Telangana indefinitely. The British also thought so. The sun however has set on the British empire.
Telangana language is no Telugu, Telangana people are lazy, and they are also fools and criminals at the same time: Such are the officially sanctioned Andhra attitudes. While the entire country lauds Hyderabad and its way of life the Andhra rulers are never tired of saying that Telangana people are uncultured. Thus, the suicidal attempt to subjugate Telangana permanently continues. Even the recent outburst of kapu anger after the planned killing of Mohan Ranga has been forgotten. It is one of ironies of history that oppressors do not seem to learn anything from the searing experience of history.
What is described as the Telangana movement of 1969 actually commenced in December 1968 On 6th December1968, students took out a procession from Vivek Vardhini College in Hyderabad. The procession was attacked both by rowdies recruited by so-called integrationists and the police. In the melee that ensued along, several students were injured. Thus commenced the movement. Soon in Khammam and Warangal demonstrations were organised which later spread to Nizamabad and other parts of Telangana. Integrationists decided to organise a public meeting on 6th April 1969, at Buru Mahadev Hall, Secunderabad. Students gave a call for boycott of the meeting. The meeting to be addressed by a few Congressmen and Communists, was finally held but it was a very small gathering in a small hall. But thousands hand gathered outside the hall denouncing the holding of the meeting. Policemen opened fire on a totally peaceful crowd killing several young men. The martyrdom of young men was the spark that lit the fire all over Telangana. A little before this, at a meeting of intellectuals, it was decided to from an organisation called Tellangana Praja Samithi. Pratap Kishore and Raghuvee Rao were the prime movers behind this move. A.Madan, an advocate, was elected as President. Madan Mohan had no experience in politics and was chosen mainly because most others were employees in some organisation or the other. Under the banner of Telangana Praja Samithi, the movement spread to all corners of Telangana. A remarkable feature of this movement was its totally decentralised character. Praja Samithi and Students` Action Committees were formed everywhere without any direction from above. Whenever funds were required collections were made at the local level. By March 1969, the organisation was in shape to take on the Andhra Government.
After the police firing of 6th April the agitation began building up. Finally, the Praja Samithi decided to take out a rally to Raj Bhavan on 1st May 1969 which can be described as the golden day of the movement. The Government banned the rally. For about a kilometer on all sides of Charminar, movement of people was banned. Yet a night before hundreds had left their localities and taken shelter in Ghansi Bazar, Alijah Kotla, Kali kaman and Pathargatti areas around Charminar. Most of them were from the old city. The writer himself could reach Charminar after persuading armed policemen that he was going to offer pooja at the Charminar “Gudi’ (temple). For that purpose he carried coconut, arti karpoor and agarbattis. Of course, the pooja was performed, the only pooja he preformed in his life. Parikrama too was performed around Charminar and not merely around ‘Gudi’. By that time K.V.Ranga Reddy had arrived. He had become so weak that he could be taken to the Chabutra with the greatest difficulty. He was almost blinded and deaf. Yet when he spoken his voice was firm, not betraying old age. By the time he started speaking hundreds had gathered at the site defying thousands of armed policemen. He spoke very briefly. The last sentence of his speech will ever remain etched in my memory-”Ghulami Ki Zindagi se mouth acchi hai” (death is preferable to a life of slavery). Even before he could be escorted out of the place teargas cylinders were bursting all around.
The grand old man of Telangana had spoken and people spoken with their blood. More than a hundred teargas shells were fired at the procession. But there was no stopping the procession and by the time it reached Afzalgunj it had swelled to a few thousand. The police started firing at Siddiambar Bazar area which continued all along the procession route, till it reached Raj Bhavan. But even then firing continued intermittently and Umrender Rao, President of Secunderabad College Union (Evening), fell to a bullet near Raj Bhavan. It was said later that a section of Telangana policemen had refused to open fire in the Raj Bhavan area. Yet in spite of all the tear-gassing and firing the procession continued to swell and by the time it reached Raj Bhavan there were more then fifty thousand people. It was an amazing spectacle. Generally crowds disperse as soon as policemen open fire. But here was a procession which was swelling with every round of firing. By March itself Congressmen had started infiltrating the movement. Later they proved to be Trojan horses. They started propagating the pernicious thesis that the movement needed a `leader of stature` whatever it might mean. And they started canvassing for Channa Reddy, suggesting the resignation of Madan Mohan from Presidentship. Alternatively, they threatened to form a parallel samiti. At this critical juncture, courage and common sense were needed. White Madan Mohan proved to be totally spineless, B.Satyanarayana Reddy and Badri Vishaal Pittie supported Channa Reddy`s plans. Others followed him. On 21st May 1969, six months after the agitation was launched Channa Reddy who had nothing to do with the movement, became the President of Telangana Praja Samiti. The Trojan horse had entered the organisation. He started dismantling the organisation at every level, disbanding student, trade union, NGOs and women`s Committees. Centralised collection of funds started. Corruption seeped in. Yet the movement continued since it was still alive at the grassroots level. A call had been sent out to boycott examinations to be held from 1st June onwards. The NGOs` strike was continuing. The entire administration had been paralysed.
There was heavy police firing on 1st and 2nd June. Aruna a high school student, who was picketing an examination centre near Chandarghat was killed on 1st June, 1969. Several more student fell to police bullets all over Telangana. It was then that Indira Gandhi, healding a weak minority Government, paid a flying midnight visit to Hyderabad to pacify people, perhaps also to purchase some leaders. In the meantime a parallel Samiti was formed with M. Sridhar Reddy as Chairman who soon left for America. Channa Reddy announced the suspension of the movement even though Nagam Krishna Rao and Madan Mohan had been elected to the Assembly as people’s candidates. With the approach of 1971 midterm poll, the TPS decided to contest the election and won, inspite of Channa Reddy`s leadership. Channa Reddy in a volte-face announced the merger of TPS with the Congress. Students stormed the TPS office but Channa Reddy had escaped. The merger was a stunning blow to the people of Telangana and their aspirations. More than 370 had fallen to police bullets., hundreds more had been crippled. The people of Telangana were overcome with a sense of despair and hopelessness. They had made immense sacrifices even the movement was with drawn. What else were they expected to do ?
The Socialist Party, the Republican party and a few unattached intellectuals revived the agitation under the banner of TPS and gave a call for Telangana Bandh on 23rd November 1972, which was total. A young man was killed in police firing near Charminar. In the meantime, an agitation had been started for a separate Andhra State. Congressmen soon took over the reins of that movement also which was originally led by Tenneti Vishwanathan and Gouthu Lachanna. In fact. a joint committee to fight for two separate states of Andhra and Telangana was formed of which the writer was a member. Using the Channa Reddy model Congressmen took over the Jai Andhra movement, sabotaged it and demanded cancellation of all Telangana safeguards. Channa Reddy and his Congress followers collaborated with them and all the safeguards were taken away to be replaced later by the six Point Formula.
In the meantime 1972 Assembly elections had arrived and Sampurna Telangana Praja Samiti whose President was B.Satyanarayana Reddy and the writer, the Secretary, decided to contest 49 seats. Three candidates of STPS were victorious and a large number lost with narrow margins. All this without any resources. But the decline had started and by the end of 1972 the agitation petered out. It was the longest, most spontaneous, non-party, toughest, most-intense and the greatest movement of free India. It was a totally peaceful movement. Yet those who are never tired of calling themselves followers of Gandhi unleashed the most terrible violence on the movement. Telangana had been turned into a National Police Museum. Malabar Special Police, Maharashtra Armed Police, Uttar Pradesh Armed Constabulary, Jammu Kashmir Militia, Karnataka Armed Police, Tamil Nadu Armed Police, Bihar Armed Police companies were posted all over Telangana. The Gorkha Marhatta regiments of the army were also deployed. In fact officers of the Gorkha Regiment were amazed at the ability of Telangana people to improvise new forms of agitation. Gorkhas came face to face with a 8 feet high barricade in Hussaini Alam area and could not believe that it was erected by civilians !
Yet most horrible atrocities were inflicted on the citizens. Lakhs went to jail. Most school and college buildings in Telangana had been turned into prisons. With Telangana jails full, detainees were sent to Rajahmundry and Vizag jails. White no Andhra was touched in Telangana two Telangana citizens were burnt alive in the Andhra area. We were witnessing the unfolding of regional fascism of the worst kind.
I cannot forget a few incidents. In the 1952 agitation the shirt of a slain student had been turned into a flag-the red flag of anger, martyrdom and relentless battle was fluttering in the air and policemen were firing at the procession on the Abids Chowrasta. On women’s satyagraha in 1969 day I saw hundreds of women, from the age of 15 to 75 marching along the Puranapul-Hussaini Alam road towards Charminar and being lathicharged by policemen, On another day about twenty young men singing, an Urdu song “Telangana, Telangana Telangana ki Jai” were marching towards a police platoon posted near Charminar to stop processions. There are thousand of such stories. A leaderless agitation head emerged morally victorious even though politically betrayed. But the movement continued, undaunted by betrayals. Twice every year large numbers gathered at the Martyrs Memorials in Secunderabad and Hyderabad and paid tributes to martyrs. In January, 1986 some activists decided to form `Telangana Information Trust`. Soon “Ma Telangana” was launched, which was closed down after seven months due to financial troubles. More then a thousand people had gathered at its inaugural function at Basant Talkies, Kachiguda,. Around 1991 two organisations, Telangana Student Front and Telangana Liberation Students Organisation were launched in Osmania Universty. In 1992 the Kakatiya Unit of Telangana Students Front was formed. A national seminar on small state was held in Landscape Gardens and Tagore Auditorium in August 1993 . Surendera Mohan inaugurated the conference and Justice Madhav Reddy addressed the gathering. George Fernandes addressed the concluding session. Delegates from various parts of the country including Vilas Bhongade from Vidarbha and Laxman Dasti from Hyderabad-Karnatak attended the conference. Both TSF and TLSO organised demonstrations on and outside O.U.campus and forced Osmania University to sanction 15 per cent supernumerary seats to Telangana students.
Stirrings of a new movement could be clearly seen in Warangal on 1st November 1996 at the Telangana Praja Samiti convention attended by more than five thousand delegates from all parts of Telangana. The Hyderabad convention was held on 1st December 1996 and after that a series of conferences, group and public meetings have been held at Godavarikhani, Karimnagar, Siddipet,Jangaon, Aler, Ghanpur, Nizamabad, Khammam, Nalgonda, the old city of Hyderabad and Bhongir. The Bhongir conference and the public meeting proved to be a turning point. The Bhongir conference was addressed among other by Kaloji Narayan Rao, Dr. Jayashankar, Prof.P.L. Vishweshwer Rao, Dr.Srinivasulu, Sidda Reddy, Dr.Simhadri and many others who had come from all parts of Telangana. The public meeting presided over by shri Mallayya Gupta, a respected Communist leader and addressed by Gaddar among others was a huge gathering, much beyond the expectations of organisers. Gaddar called upon the people to launch a totally peaceful agitation for achievement of a separate state while the writer called for a new type of leadership from grassroots upwards, emphasizing total control over leaders by masses. A mong parties opposing the Telangana movement of 1969 were the Communist party, Jan Sangh and Majlis-Ittehadual-Muslimeen. While the first two represented upper-caste, upper-class section of the Andhra area, the Majlis represented upper-caste, upper-class, and non-Daccani section. However both Hindus and Muslims supported the movement and dealt a crushing blow to all the above mentioned parties in the 1971 Lok Sabha elections. The role of Daccani and Urdu in the Telangana movement cannot be ignored. While Telugisation is a historical and necessary process it would be a folly to ignore Urdu and Daccani. Such an act would be a repetition of Nizam`s mistake in ignoring Telugu, Marathi, Hindi and Kannada. Hindi and Urdu are based on Dahhani and Khadi Boli. They are a part of our heritage. Who can forget the part played by Maqdoom Mohiuddin, Ibrahim Jalles, Sulaiman Areeb, Raja Dube, Jeelani Bano, Om Prakash Nirmal and many others who have enriched the politics and culture of Telangana through their. writings. The Andhra elite in their linguistic chauvinism of regarding Guntur Telugu as the only Telugu have tried to rodeo roughshod over Telangana Telugu and Daccani as also Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, and Kannada, Similarly tribal language were sought to be destroyed. New Telangana will nurture all these languages which are a part of our cultural and literary heritage.
Telangana now stands on the verge of another movement for liberation from aliens and for participatory politics. What the people of Telangana do now and how colonialists react will decide the future course of Indian politics. The demand for small states is a demand for responsible and participatory politics. The Telangana movement of 1969 was the first Indian struggle for economic and cultural autonomy. The movement going on now has added a demand for social emancipation. This is as it should be. The whole world is moving towards liberation from racism, sexism and casteism. Telangana has stood in the vanguard of such movements for the last fifty years and awaits correct leadership. What then shall we do now? The job is not to liberate Telangana from a colonial system but also to liberate Andhras from their selfishness and greed which is increasing in leaps and bounds. The liberation of Andhras, however, can only commence with the formation of a separate state of Telangana. How do we visualise Telangana? Because people are asking us for whom Telangana is sought to be formed? What is the point in fighting for Telangana if nothing is to change? One thing that will change for sure is that we will have control over our resources, jobs and education. But, that has to be only the beginning. Other policies have to be visualized and projected.

'Srikrishna will not give verdict on Telangana'

Hyderabad, December 26: 'The Srikrishna Committee will present two scenarios in its report. The pros and cons if a Telangana state is created and not created. It will neither recommend creation of a state nor suggest a status quo.' This was how TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao pictured the report of the Srikrishna panel likely to be submitted in a few days. 'Duggal (VK Duggal, member secretary of the panel) has told me so. The report will not contain anything. There is no need to get worked up over the content of the report,' Chandrasekhar Rao said at the steering committee meeting of the Telangana Joint Action Committee here today. The TRS chief made it clear that creation of a separate state was possible only through a political decision, which the Centre had to take. To force the Centre to introduce a bill in Parliament, the TJAC and TRS would continue to keep up the heat, Rao said.

He warned chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and director general of police K Aravinda Rao against making any preventive arrests as the Dec-31 deadline for submission of Srikrishna report is nearing. 'If you resort to any misadventure, you have to repent later,' he said. The TJAC would adopt appropriate strategy at an appropriate time to secure statehood for the region. 'We have to act with tact. No point in charging at your enemy aimlessly,' he said. He warned the Congress and the TRS that if they did not prove their commitment for Telangana, they would be relegated to history's dustbin.

He said he endorsed the view of the speakers at the meeting that people of Telangana should drive away elected representatives of the Congress with broom sticks. 'People should grow to a stage where they would have no fear to corner them and question them why they were not working for creation of a separate state,' he said. 'The people of Telangana are not afraid of police battalions. Wherever there is an agitation, the police is there. This underscores the need for the Telangana leaders to act tactfully and get what the people want from the Centre,' he said. TJAC chairman Prof K Kodandaram, BJP leader Ch Vidyasagara Rao and CPI ML (New Democracy) leaders Suryam and Sandhya were among those who spoke.

Why People are Fighting For Telangana

Ways to Propose to GIRL

Note: Girls im sorry to write this Funny Ways to Propose a Girl....please forgive me..Arun in & as

1. Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back "You're under arrest!" For what?
"For stealing my heart."

2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?

3. are your legs tired?
girl: Why?
because you have been running through my mind all day!

4. "I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?"

5. Can you give me directions to your heart? I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.

6. Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.
She would say,"What are doing"
resond,"Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven."

7. Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.
"I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are."

8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?

9. Walk up to a guy and say: "Are you from Greece?" "No" he answers.
"Oh, I thought all the gods were from Greece"


Please Send Comments


sai is jus awesome....
nice one....

anil say...good tips I will also try this tips good one

kumar say...How to impress girl to whom i dont know ?

santhosh hyderabd says...its really good and now i become ur fun sir

gk says.....Very nice........... and u really feel that.......... And me tooooooooo.......
Thanks lot....

lover failur says...hi its very nice points

palavi....can u send me the best and simple way to impress a boy who as moderm as i in both talking and wearing style too?

sampath...ur advise are really awesome it really works

fall in love says...Im failing with this girls,she is still going to school,l saw her almost everyday but lm finding it difficult.Help

Sunday 19 December 2010

Actress Aadeen Khan

Dil Raju says ‘O My Friend’ to Siddharth!

Siddharth’s new film under the production house of ‘Dil’ Raju is titled as ‘O My Friend’. Siddharth and Dil Raju had earlier given the super hit film ‘Bommarillu’ with Bhaskar. After a gap of 4 years the duo came back with a new film under the direction of a debutant, Venu Sriram.

Amrita Rao of Athidhi fame is playing the leading lady in the film. The film will move on to the sets next year. Meanwhile Siddharth is busy with ‘Anaganaga Oka Dheerudu’ and ‘180’ and on the other hand ‘Dil’ Raju comes up with Nagarjuna’s ‘Gaganam’ and Prabhas ‘Mr.Perfect’ early next year.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Congress begin consultations on Telangana

Hyderabad, December6: With Justice Srikrishna Committee due to submit its report on the Telangana issue on Dec 31, the Congress high command has initiated steps to arrive at an 'appropriate decision.' Indications are that it is already holding consultations with leaders of other political parties. According to highly placed sources Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, who is expected to take over from Veerappa Moily as in-charge of the party's affairs in Andhra Pradesh, had held talks with a senior leader of the BJP on the advisability of splitting the State into two. 'There is opposition to State partition from within our own party. Others are supporting it. After receiving Justice Srikrishna Committee's report, we have to take a decision on the Telangana issue,' Azad reportedly told the BJP leader.

The Congress leadership also discussed the issue with a number of MPs from the State. It is learnt that TRS president K Chandrasekhar Rao may confer with the Congress high command soon. The Congress leadership is caught in a cleft stick on the question of Telangana. A little over a year ago, Dec 9 to be precise -- which happens to be Congress chief Sonia Gandhi's birthday -- Union Home Minister P Chidambaram had announced that the Centre would take steps to carve out a T State.

As it was an announcement made on behalf of the Union Government, it would be difficult for it to retract. It would have to put its credibility at stake, if it has to go back on its own word. Sources said the Congress high command was 'worried over the possible fallout of such a step on its image, not only nationally but also internationally.' The Congress leadership, sources say, is debating the political benefits, in other words, the impact of bifurcation of the State in the 2014 general elections.

The Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) in all likelihood will reap a rich harvest of votes in such an eventuality. But the Congress is not so sure of its own fate, in Telangana as well as Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra. By splitting the State, the Congress will surely be able to pin down YSR's son Jagan Mohan Reddy and TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu to Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra, which will weaken their challenge considerably. But the party will have to work out a strategy and find an able leader to ride through the storm in the Coastal and Rayalaseema regions if the State were to be divided.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Dia Mirza Photos

Siddharth - Dil Raju combo again?

Bommarillu is one of the best movies in the career of Siddharth and Genelia. The movie was produced by Dil Raju who was known to be a man with golden hand that time. But the things has changed and all the films he is producing in the recent times bit the mud.
But as per the filmnagar sources the confident dil raju decided to repeat the magic with Siddharth. After four years Dil Raju is planning to rope in Siddharth in the new film in the direction of debutant Venu Sriram. Dil Raju was happy with the script and he is one man who believes in script than the stardom.
Hope the movie will be another Bommarillu for Telugu audience.

Monday 31 May 2010

NTR's Birthday Celebrated in USA

Nandamuri fans celebrated 88th Birthday of Viswa vikyatha, nata sarva bhouma Padmasri Dr. Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao(NTR) & Success of Blockbuster SIMHA in Chateau Granieri Banquet Hall, Norristown, Pennsylvania on the evening of 28th May.
Ravi Potluri & Sambaiah Kotapati organized the event.
Harnath Doddapaneni anchored the event. In his introductory speech, he remembered NTR's achievements and also welcomed the organizers Ravi Potluri and Sambaih Kotapati and sponsors Reddy Maruri and Venkat Garikapati on to the stage. They recollected the memories of NTR and took an oath to fulfill his dreams by helping the people who are in need.
Later "Maa Telugu Thalliki Mallepoodanda" Song and A 30 minutes video on the NTR prepared by Ravi Potluri was screened to the attendees and it entertained them very well.
NTR fans from various fields of the society talked about their experiences with the Legend and shared their fond memories with the audience

The stage was well decorated and adorned with NTR's pictures and life size photo of his krishna character made the auditorium so vibrant and lively.
Around 150 Nandamuri Fans & Telugu Desam Party sympathizers and activists attended the event and made it a grand success.
Senior Nandmuri fan Sambaiah kotapati cut the cake and recollected the memories of NTR. Nandamuri Fans thanked Ravi Potluri and Sambaiah Kotapati for organizing such a wonderful event
Venkat Garikapati sponsored the fine cuisine food .Redd

In celebration of Telugu Desam party founder and former chief minister Shri Nandamuri Taraka RamaRao's 88th birthday, hundreds of NTR fans gathered in Washington DC. The gloomy weather, thunder storms and a few showers did not deter the NRI TDP members from celebrating the legend of teluguland Shri NTR's Birthday. The celebration took place with tremendous enthusiasm and a great deal of dedication under guidance of TDP state Telugu Yuvatha General Secretary Satish Vemana.
On this auspicious occasion, NTR fans visited several homeless shelters across Washington DC and distributed fruits and food supplies. The NRI TDP committee members and Nadanmuri fans Pradeep Gourneni, Naren kodali,Trilok kanteti, sridhar ravuri, subbarao kolla, satya surapaneni,Ravi Gourneni, Pradeep nuguru, Nandamuri srinivas, Ravi kanuri,Barani Nallamotu,Vishnu Donepudi, would like to express their great appreciation and thanks to all Scholars, Doctors, Students and members who participated in the celebration and helped organise this outstanding event.
During the event, Mr. Venkata Rao Mulupuri, Adapa Prasad, Dr.Naren Kodali, Satish Vemana etc.. addressed the gathering and paid homage to the icon Dr. Nandamuri Taraka RamaRao garu. Krishna Lam, Dc metro Area Nandamuri fans coordinator thanked every one for their gracious presence which was followed by cutting of the birthday cake. Complimentary dinner was served by Pradeep Gourneni..

NTR 87th B'Day was celebrated at Bay Area in Serra Theaters on May 27th,2010 and also a FREE show of Balayyas recent Blockbuster movie "SIMHA" was screened for the NTR fans and all Bay area telugu Community.
Indian families were turnover was huge and Bay Area never witiness such a huge crowd of Nanadmuri Fans and telugu Community on the occasion of NTR Birthday
The program started with at around 9:30PM and followed by cake cutting event by Mr. Jay Rama Komati Garu. Speaking on the occasion, Jaya Ram Garu shared his personal experiences with the Legend Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao and Nandamuri Balakrishna and also others fans also shared their experience.
Finally thanks to Sagar Garu for providing Cake & snacks for the event and also Thanks to Vijay Aasuri Garu.
Press Release

Saturday 29 May 2010

10 Amazing Staircases Around the World

[Continue To View All 10 Amazing Staircases Around the World]

Monday 17 May 2010

Anushka with Pawan Kalyan

Anushka with Pawan KalyanThe in-form Anushka is signed as heroine for Pawan Kalyan’s movie in the direction of Jayant C Paranji. This movie is a remake of Hindi blockbuster Love Aaj Kal. This film is going to floors very soon. Trivikram pens dialogues and Mani Sharma composes music. Binod Pradhan handles cinematography

[Continue To View Anushka Photos]

Vedam release on Manoj’s birthday

Vedam release on Manoj’s birthdayKrish’s multi-starrer movie Vedam is all set to release on 20 May which happens to the birthday of Manoj Manchu. Manoj Manchu has proved to be the man to watch out for with his selection of movies Nenu Meeku Telusa, Prayanam and Bindaas. All these movies got the acclaim as sensible and different movies with Bindaas making it commercially well at box office. Vedam is another fine example of his story selection. Let’s hope that Krish is going to give Manoj another hit in the form of Vedam as birthday gift.

Vedam on 3 June

Vedam on 3 JuneThe release date of Krish’s latest movie Vedam is postponed from 27 May to 3 June. This movie is a multi-starrer movie featuring Allu Arjun, Manoj Manchu and Anushka. It is also a multi-layered movie with five parallel stories. Allu Arjun, Manoj Manchu and Anushka plays cable boy, rockstar and prostitute respectively.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

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Tuesday 5 January 2010

Telangana protests hit rail, road transport in Andhra Pradesh

HYDERABAD: Transport services across Andhra Pradesh were hit on Tuesday as supporters and opponents of a separate Telangana state stopped trains
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and buses even as an all-party meeting on the Telangana issue took place in New Delhi.

Railway authorities cancelled 89 trains as a precaution while state-owned Road Transport Corp (RTC) partially suspended bus services.

The rail and road blockade in Telangana on one side and the rail blockade in coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema on the other coincides with the meeting in the national capital.

Police arrested a large number of protesters, including leaders of political parties and student groups resorting to transport blockades in the three regions.

Dozens of trains were stopped by anti-Telangana protesters in Kadapa district of Rayalaseema and in Guntur and Krishna districts of coastal Andhra.

A Joint Action Committee (JAC) of political parties and student groups have called for 'rail roko' to protest the talks convened by home minister P Chidambaram.

Protesters in Guntur district stopped the Thiruvananthapuram-New Delhi Kerala Express and Macherla Express. Police said rail blockades were being held in almost all railway stations in the district.

The usually busy Vijayawada railway station wore a deserted look Tuesday as protesters stopped trains while railway authorities cancelled 14 trains passing through the city.

In Kadapa district, anti-Telangana protesters stopped Venkatadri, Rayalaseema and Jayanti Express trains. In Anantapur, the Guntakul-Hindupur train was detained.

A shutdown was observed in Andhra and Rayalaseema regions Monday to protest against the Telangana talks.

An undeclared shutdown is being observed in Telangana region as pro-Telangana groups resorted to road and rail blockades. Shops and business establishments remained closed in districts like Adilabad and Nizamabad. Educational institutions were also closed in parts of Hyderabad and majority of nine other districts of Telangana.

The blockade was called by the JAC of students fighting for a separate Telangana state. The JAC is protesting the arrests of several students on Sunday. The police prevented the students from attending the JAC meeting at Osmania University here.

At Kazipet junction in Warangal district, protesters stopped the Gorakhpur Express. Three passenger and three express trains were also detained at Vikarabad in Ranga Reddy district near here.

In Nalgonda district, protesters blocked vehicular traffic on Hyderabad-Vijayawada national highway (NH 9).

The South Central Railway (SCR) has announced the cancellation of 89 trains in view of the "rail roko" protest by various groups. The cancelled trains include 63 MMTS and local trains in Hyderabad.

The authorities have advised passengers boarding long distance trains to carry lots of food and water with them.

Sunday 3 January 2010

KCR: will seek support of Sharad Pawar, Lalu Prasad

KCR: will seek support of Sharad Pawar, Lalu Prasad
Special Correspondent
HYDERABAD: Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) president K. Chandrasekhar Rao said that he was scheduled to meet his Nationalist Congress Party and Rashtriya Janata Dal counterparts Sharad Pawar and Lalu Prasad and other national leaders in New Delhi in the next few days to seek their support for the Bill in Parliament on a separate Telangana. Talking to mediapersons on Sunday before leaving for New Delhi to attend the meeting convened by the Union Home Ministry with political parties from the State on the Telangana issue, Mr. Rao said he hoped to call on Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj and CPI general secretary A.B. Bardhan and Parliamentary Party Leader Gurudas Dasgupta. These would be courtesy calls on them since they had appealed to him to withdraw his hunger strike last month.
Mr. Rao asked the government to stick to its promise of conceding the demand for a separate Telangana. He warned that the “true colours” of the parties that opposed the demand would be exposed at the meeting.
The TRS chief said the party would file a contempt case in the High Court on Monday against the State government for preventing students from attending the rally on Osmania University campus. Over one lakh students who were held back by police staged a ‘rasta roko’ or cooked on the roads in protest. The party had CDs and photos of the scenes and they would be submitted to the court, he added.
He demanded that the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K. Rosaiah and Director-General of Police R.R. Girish Kumar tender an unconditional apology to the students. Mr. Rao who left for New Delhi with former academic K. Jayashankar said they would be joined by other party leaders on Monday.

Chidambaram adding fuel to fire on Telangana issue

Union Home Minister P Chidambaram was criticised by two opposition parties in Andhra Pradesh -- Telugu Desam and Praja Rajyam -- which said he was "adding fuel to fire" over the contentious Telangana issue.

Chidambaram also became the target of attack of BJP, with the party alleging that his statements on the separate statehood demand were only compounding the confusion.

"He (Chidambaram) is against the bifurcation of his native state Tamil Nadu but is ready to divide AP. Why these double standards? It only exposes the vengeful attitude of Chidambaram against the fast-developing Andhra Pradesh," TDP senior MLAs Dhulipalla Narendra Kumar and Bojjala Gopalakrishna Reddy said in Hyderabad.
Addressing a press conference at the Telugu Desam Legislature Party office, the MLAs alleged that the Union Home Minister was "adding fuel to fire" through his statements on the Telangana issue and pushing AP into further turmoil.
"Except vested interests, there is absolutely no basis for division of AP. If backwardness is a basis for bifurcation, then there are many backward areas even in coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions," they said.
They wondered how the Centre could go ahead with the proposed bifurcation of the state when there was no consensus even within the ruling United Progressive Alliance.
"Sharad Pawar, Mamata Banerjee and Dayanidhi Maran have opposed the formation of Telangana. Even the Samajwadi Party and the Rashtriya Janata Dal are also against this. Why are you not taking this into account? Moreover, has the Union Cabinet ever discussed the bifurcation issue and framed any guidelines for that," the leaders questioned Chidambaram.
Narendra and Gopalakrishna took strong exception to the all-party meeting convened by the Centre on January 5, saying that it has been done even before normalcy returned to the state. "This will only stoke the passions further and worsen the situation in Andhra Pradesh," they claimed.
On the other hand, TDP politburo member Nagam Janardhana Reddy, a Telangana supporter, too lashed out at Chidambaram. saying his statements on statehood issue "lacked consistency".
"He (Chidambaram) is speaking one thing in New Delhi and another in Chennai. He seems to be ignoring the people's wishes on such a critical issue," Nagam said.
Senior Praja Rajyam Party leader K Kala Venkata Rao came down on Chidambaram alleging that a deep conspiracy was being hatched under his leadership to split Andhra Pradesh, the largest state in south India. "If backwardness is the reason for the proposed bifurcation of AP, then the country should also be divided into a thousand pieces," he said.
Senior BJP leader and former Union minister Ch Vidyasagar Rao said in Karimnagar that Chidambaram's statements on the separate statehood demand were only compounding the confusion.
"The Congress itself doesn't have a clear view on the Telangana issue. Then there is no meaning for the all-party meeting on the 5th," Vidyasagar Rao said.

BJP wants govt to build Telangana consensus

NEW DELHI: While Congress is optimistic about a ‘positive’ outcome of Tuesday’s all-party meeting on Telangana, the opposition BJP expects the government to build a consensus and create the right ambience for carving out the new state.
“Yes, I am optimistic about a positive outcome of the meeting,” Congress leader from Andhra Pradesh Keshava Rao said on Sunday. “The meeting will have to find a solution and make it acceptable to all concerned.” BJP spokesman Ravishankar Prasad pointed out that since Congress was the ruling party both in the state and at the Centre it was for that party to take the initiative.
The BJP which has openly backed demand for a separate Telangana, wants government to take the steps for resolving the problem. Its emphasis on ‘consensus’ is an indirect way of pointing to the division within Congress in the state over the issue. Rao, on the other hand, stresses that any decision made by the party high command would be acceptable to every Congressman in Andhra.

No Campus Selections For IT Companies From Telangana Colleges

There is more bad news for the people of Telangana. The IT companies have announced that there would not be any campus selections for the IT companies from the colleges from the Telangana region. Till date the IT companies have been reluctant to conduct campus selections in the various engineering colleges in the region due to the volatile situation there.

However the situation is different in the Andhra and the Rayalaseema regions. The IT companies have said that the campus selections have already commenced in few colleges and would commence in the rest of the colleges in the Andhra and the Rayalaseema regions as the situation is not so volatile there.

Well the Telangana crisis has started affecting the innocent students too. One only hopes that the Telangana crisis is over soon so that the Telangana students get jobs

Telangana students plan road, rail blockade Tuesday (Third Lead)

Two days ahead of the all-party meet called by the central government on Telangana issue, a mammoth meeting of students at the Osmania University here Sunday threatened to demolish offices of the parties opposing statehood to the region.

Asking the Congress and the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) to spell out their stand, student leaders threatened to "throw out" of Telangana region the parties who oppose a separate Telangana state at the Jan 5 all-party meeting.

They vowed to continue the agitation till Telangana state becomes a reality and called for a road and rail blockade in the region Tuesday to coincide with the meeting in New Delhi.

In a clear indication that the Telangana movement has gone beyond the political parties, thousands of students from Hyderabad and nine other districts of the region attended "vidyarthi garjana" (students' roar) organised by Joint Action Committee (JAC), a conglomerate of 13 students' organisations.

The speakers also threatened to intensify the agitation by cutting off road and rail links to the other two regions of the state. "We will not allow buses and trains from coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions to enter Telangana after Pongal," said one of the speakers.

The meeting urged the central government to immediately table the bill in parliament for carving out a Telangana state.

The meet called for immediately starting the process for formation of Telangana and withdrawing cases against students as announced by the central government Dec 9.

A resolution unanimously passed at the meeting demanded that the central government set a time-frame for carving out the separate state.

Stating that Hyderabad is an integral part of Telangana, the meeting also asked Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) to break its silence and support Telangana movement while respecting the aspirations of people of Telangana in general and of Muslims of the region in particular.

MIM, which has its stronghold in Hyderabad, is one the eight parties invited for the talks in New Delhi Tuesday.

M. Kodandaram, chairman of the all-party JAC, and revolutionary writer Varavara Rao were among those who addressed the meeting, which passed off peacefully under the tight vigil of hundreds of policemen and paramilitary forces.

Political leaders stayed away from the meeting as per the court order while police prevented revolutionary balladeer Gadar from entering the campus.

The high court Saturday allowed the JAC to hold the meeting but barred political leaders and Maoists from addressing it.

The Osmania University has emerged as the nerve centre of the Telangana agitation which began Nov 29 when TRS chief K. Chandrasekhara Rao launched fast unto death, demanding statehood to Telangana.

The massive protests and Rao's hunger strike forced the central government to announce on Dec 9 that the process for formation of the new state would be initiated. However, following protests in Andhra and Rayalaseema regions, the government made a second statement Dec 23 underlining the need for wide-ranging consultations on the issue

Saturday 2 January 2010

Telangana issue will be solved amicably in Jan 5 meet: MP

Telangana issue will be solved amicably in Jan 5 meet: MP
Updated on Sunday, January 03, 2010, 09:07 IST Tags:Telangana issue, Jan 5 meet, India
Rajahmundry: Rajahmundry MP U Arun Kumar on Saturday said Telangana issue will be solved amicably with the consultation of all parties in the January 5 meeting with the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram.
Addressing a press conference here, he said the time has come to discuss the developed and backward areas in the state and the causes for the backwardness should be discussed in detail to sort out the problem.
He questioned why many state and union ministers from Telangana region have not taken any developmental activities in their region during their tenure. Even chief ministers of this region did not take interest to develop backward regions in the Telangana, he alleged.
The MP said that he has full details on the amounts spent by the State Government for three regions - Andhra, Rayalaseema and Telangana.
When compared with backward areas of Andhra and Rayalaseema, majority funds were spent on development works in the Telangana region for sectors like education, agriculture, irrigation, he said. He refuted the charges made by Telangana region leaders that very few funds were spent for the backward areas' development in Telananga when compared to other regions of AP.
Telangana is developing rapidly when compared with Andhra and Rayalaseema, Kumar said. He pointed out that Fazal Commission has not find any fault in the demand for united Andhra Pradesh and it has not mentioned in its report to divide united AP into Andhra and Telangana states.
He said that State government has given priority for Telangana region's development. "If we check the record, it is clear that without a member from Telangana region there was no Cabinet in Andhra Pradesh," he added.
Kumar said that he will brief the matter in detail to AICC chief Sonia Gandhi. He demanded the State government to release a white paper in detail about the amount spent and irrigation sources provided to each region --Andhra, Rayalaseema and Telangana-- so that public will know the real facts.
He said he will take active part in the January 5 consultations, where eight parties are scheduled to meet with Home Minister P Chidambaram in New Delhi. He said that he would raise his voice for united Andhra Pradesh.
He said the Telangana issue will be solved amicably with the consultation of all parties. The parties should openly express their views on the issue to solve the problem.

Second-rate citizens

The people of Telangana are treated as second-rate citizens'

When Jawaharlal Nehru announced the formation of a united Andhra Pradesh, he commented, "an innocent girl called Telangana is being married to a naughty boy called Andhra. It is their choice to continue or to get separated."
Today the people of Telangana say that the innocent girl can no longer stay married to the naughty boy. Several proponents of the movement say that it is high time their 'state' is given back to them.

Dr Srinivas Raj, one of the leaders of the Telangana movement, has prepared a ready reckoner on the issue. Raj along with several others has been distributing this booklet among the people of Telangana and convincing the people why this movement is important and how their lives would change once Telangana is created.

In this interview with's Vicky Nanjappa, Raj gives an interesting insight about the movement for a seperate Telangana. He also goes into length about the backroom politics that is being played in trying to curb this movement.

KCR say's Andhra వాళ్ళు నా Photo పెట్టుకుంటారు!

Telangana Political

Political parties provide the dynamics of political mechanism. Sigmund Neumann has described the general role of political parties as "the life line of modern politics". It is no doubt that "political parties are not of the government, they are below or behind it". The voice of the state today is not so much the voice of the people as that of the dominant institutions, economic progress and social morality are all dependant on the political parties in a state so the word "politics" has come to mean "part politics".

Andhra Pradesh was described as the citadel of the Congress. After its formation as a separate state, the Congress party had an unbroken record of ruling it. In the early years after the formation of A.P. state, the Communist party had posed a challenge to congress. Today it hardly possesses the necessary strength in the legislature to form even a strong opposition. Still its importance in politics cannot be ignored. Political parties like Praja Socialist Party and Swatanthra Party, which made a mark in national politics, created some sensation in Andhra Pradesh.  Also the emergence of Janatha Party in 1977 had its impact on all political parties in the state and several prominent leaders in the Congress and other parties joined it.

The political parties which deserve a mention are The Congress(I), The Communist Parties, Swatanthra, The Jana Sangh, Bharathiya Janatha Party, Telugu Desam Party, NCP, Socialist Parties like KMPP, PSP and SP and state level parties like PP,KLP,TPS and Majlis. The ruling of state by the Congress came to an end with the emergence of TDP in the year 1983.

Another significant feature of A.P politics is the absence of a regional issue strong enough to enable a powerful regional party to come into existence. In A.P when a sub-regional issue, namely, safe guards for Telangana came to the forefront, The Telangana Praja Samithi(TPS) came into existence. It is a typical example of a regional party, which can thrive whipping up popular emotions on regional and sub-regional issues. Its activities were confined to Telangana only. The TPS had no ephemeral existence. It secured a sweeping success in the Loksabha elections in 1971. However, shortly afterwards the TPS was merged in the Congress Party. Later in the recent past Telangana Rastra Samithi came into existence with regards to the safeguard of Telangana people with a separate Telangana statehood.

Elections in a democracy have great significance for they act, not merely as indicators of public opinion but also contribute to its evolution as a political system. Elections conducted under adult suffrage are "an act of faith in the common man of India and in his practical commonsense". Elections have a threefold importance. They influence the policies of government, the organization of parties and opinion of the citizens. Since formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956, there have been 11 general elections to the state Assembly and 13 general elections to the Lok Sabha.

In 1955, elections were held to the Legislative Assembly of the newly formed state of Andhra. The united Congress Party swept the polls. The Communist Party was routed and Congress emerged as a dominant Party.

In 1957, the second general elections were held for the Legislative Assembly and were restricted to Telangana region. For election to the Legislative Assembly in the Andhra region had been held in 1955. The Congress swept the polls.

Third general elections held in the year 1962 were the first general elections held in the whole of Andhra Pradesh for electing 300 representatives to the state Legislative Assembly. Congress swept the polls by getting 177 seats out of 300 contested.

Fourth general elections held in the year 1967 for the state Legislative Assembly. Result was, Congress swept the polls by getting 165 seats.

Fifth general elections were held in the year 1972 because of the mid term polls for Loksabha. Significance of 1972 elections was 137 conetstants from Congress were from SC, ST and Minorities communities. Result was, Congress swept the polls by winning 219 seats of 287 contested.

Sixth general elections to the Legislative Assembly were held in the year 1977. Congress swept the polls irrespective of the split in Congress party.

Seventh general elections to the state Legislative Assembly were held in the year 1983 and it marked the end of Congress era. The Telugu Desam Party emerged as winner with 198 seats out of 287 contested. Congress just won 60 out of 293 seats contested.

Eight general elections to the state legislative Assembly were held in the year 1985.TDP had an alliance with like-minded parties like BJP, CPI, CPM, and Majlis. The TDP swept the polls.

Ninth general elections to the Legislative Assembly of A.P. were held in the year 1989. Congress threw out the TDP, with Congress winning 182 seats while TDP won 74 seats.

Tenth general election to the Legislative Assembly of A.P. were held in the year 1994.TDP threw out Congress out of power, with TDP winning 2/3 majority along with Communist Parties.

Eleventh general elections to the Legislative Assembly of A.P. were held in the year 1999. TDP retained the power in spite of the internal crisis in TDP Party. But congress slightly improved its tally and reached three-figure mark. This eleventh assembly was dissolved in Dec' 2003 and Elections are declared in second week of April '2004.