Saturday 2 January 2010

Second-rate citizens

The people of Telangana are treated as second-rate citizens'

When Jawaharlal Nehru announced the formation of a united Andhra Pradesh, he commented, "an innocent girl called Telangana is being married to a naughty boy called Andhra. It is their choice to continue or to get separated."
Today the people of Telangana say that the innocent girl can no longer stay married to the naughty boy. Several proponents of the movement say that it is high time their 'state' is given back to them.

Dr Srinivas Raj, one of the leaders of the Telangana movement, has prepared a ready reckoner on the issue. Raj along with several others has been distributing this booklet among the people of Telangana and convincing the people why this movement is important and how their lives would change once Telangana is created.

In this interview with's Vicky Nanjappa, Raj gives an interesting insight about the movement for a seperate Telangana. He also goes into length about the backroom politics that is being played in trying to curb this movement.

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