Sunday 3 January 2010

No Campus Selections For IT Companies From Telangana Colleges

There is more bad news for the people of Telangana. The IT companies have announced that there would not be any campus selections for the IT companies from the colleges from the Telangana region. Till date the IT companies have been reluctant to conduct campus selections in the various engineering colleges in the region due to the volatile situation there.

However the situation is different in the Andhra and the Rayalaseema regions. The IT companies have said that the campus selections have already commenced in few colleges and would commence in the rest of the colleges in the Andhra and the Rayalaseema regions as the situation is not so volatile there.

Well the Telangana crisis has started affecting the innocent students too. One only hopes that the Telangana crisis is over soon so that the Telangana students get jobs

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