Sunday 3 January 2010

BJP wants govt to build Telangana consensus

NEW DELHI: While Congress is optimistic about a ‘positive’ outcome of Tuesday’s all-party meeting on Telangana, the opposition BJP expects the government to build a consensus and create the right ambience for carving out the new state.
“Yes, I am optimistic about a positive outcome of the meeting,” Congress leader from Andhra Pradesh Keshava Rao said on Sunday. “The meeting will have to find a solution and make it acceptable to all concerned.” BJP spokesman Ravishankar Prasad pointed out that since Congress was the ruling party both in the state and at the Centre it was for that party to take the initiative.
The BJP which has openly backed demand for a separate Telangana, wants government to take the steps for resolving the problem. Its emphasis on ‘consensus’ is an indirect way of pointing to the division within Congress in the state over the issue. Rao, on the other hand, stresses that any decision made by the party high command would be acceptable to every Congressman in Andhra.

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